Monday, July 15, 2013


Last week I met the most adorable Meatball I have ever seen.
Yes thats right, a golden and totally sweet meatball who quite honestly stole my heart!

Now before you think I've gone totally bananas, the picture below will give you a better explanation:

Introducing Meatball, a 5 months old little bundle of joy!

I came across this adorable pup as I was walking down 5th avenue.  He had stopped for a moment, to take in the sights and to tell his owner he wasn't keen on walking any further.

What he was happy to do however was pose for a photo!

"Make me smile Mondays is inspired by the book "Happiness is a Warm Puppy" by Charles Shultz.  In an effort to keep away Mondayitis, each week I take a leaf out of the book , and apply it to my everyday life.  This acts as a little bit  of inspiration!  See more about it here.

Happiness is a Warm Puppy by Charles Shulz

Happiness surely is a warm puppy and the wonderful thing about New York is there is a cute dog on every corner!

So what better way to start off then smiles and cuteness from an adorable pup!

Have a fantastic week!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Sundays are great for summertime fun in the sun!  And what better way to spend your afternoon than heading down to one of the many flea markets that New York has to offer!

When my pal Sarah was in town we headed up to the Brooklyn Flea Market.

As we ventured through the streets of Brooklyn, I couldn't help but notice such beautiful old houses that had been restored.  Finding these houses along the way certainly made our trip getting there more like a period architectural treasure hunt!

As soon as we approached the market and looked beyond the rail steel fence we got a glimpse of the wonderful treasures that awaited us inside!

Looking around there was an array of vintage as far as the eye could see.  Wonderful stalls filled with all sorts of wonderful finds.  Everything from old postcards to furniture, clothing and photographs, ribbons and trims, old toys, and vintage beauty cases just to name a few.  Along with ice cream and some cute hipster guys floating around as an additional eye candy!

So if you are looking for vintage americana and have a spare sunday afternoon in New York, I highly recommend this spot!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Since living in new york, and having a wide variety of food to sample from, my take out food of choice is Chinese!

I have always been a fan of all sorts of Asian cuisine.  So it should come as no surprise, that one of my favorite things to do just before I dig into the delicious meal that has been especially prepared just for me is to... open the fortune cookie and see what little piece of wisdom is inside!

I have found the "fortunes" and proverbs to be quite thought provoking.  As I try and apply them to my everyday life in a positive effort to see how the fortune could be another way as seeing the glass half full.

This one very much did speak to me.  Now not in a hold a button and speak to Suri type of way, but metaphorically of course!

By all means it certainly is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck!  Mmh but how does one learn this skill?

By following ones intuition and not walking underneath a ladder?

By waking up on the right side of the bed in the morning?

By giving your coffee frappucino to the homeless guy standing next to you in the subway?

Or perhaps it's as simple as by knowing what one truly wants and concentrating all ones efforts on getting it?

I guess this one is a little easier said than done!

So in an effort to be more pro active and try and steer that luck,  I decided to write a follow up email for a second interview I went for.  Here's hoping that something great turns about, "whilst I wait for it!"

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 8, 2013


Happiness is finding someone you like waiting at the door!

This is a so true and even more so when my good friend Sarah came to visit me all the way from Australia.

Some of our adventures included a midnight yacht ride in the bay and a trip to Bridgeport Hampton! Spending time exploring Brooklyn or "Brooky" as we like to call it at the various flea markets and parks.  Eating italian ices at Coney Island, brunching in the West Village, Brooklyn Bridge walking, New Yorker talking, thrifting and Century 21ing it!.

After 6 months away from Australia, it was great to see something familiar from home.  The city of New York is a big and wondrous place, one needs to adapt to survive and live day to day in this town.  I think it was great for her to see how I have adapted, and it was great for me to see how she too has adapted and become accustomed to her new life as a newly wed.  See her destination wedding blog here.

Although its not always as glamourous and pretty as an episode of "Sex and the City", I would liken  New York to be like a man that spins plates.  The more plates that are spun, the more options and possible opportunities one has.  So he tries to keep them spinning all at once,  until one falls and he has one less option to worry about!  Now to concentrate on the remainder until you are left with the right choice!  Some would say that this can be said of apartments, job hunting and dating in this city.

There is a saying that is very prevalent in this town " Keep it moving"  You can't stay still or you will get stuck, and you can't look back, so you just keep it moving!

When you are living in a city with so many options, and your head sometimes feels like its going to spin off, its nice to find a familiar face at the front door.

Speaking of keeping it moving, I better let you all get on with the rest of your day!  Have a great one!

page taken from "Happiness is a warm puppy" by Charles Schulz

Monday, July 1, 2013


Happiness is a new raincoat, well aint that the truth!
Especially when its a Patty Fields clear caplet with black trim binding!

Having it forecast to rain the whole of last week in New York with not one drop in sight, it was with surprised relief when it did start to rain!  It certainly helped clear away all that humidity!

I had just packed away all my winter clothes, but was eager to pull out my favorite gumboots, it was like christmas all over again!   Any opportunity to wear my rain boots!  I bought them on sale from Tommy Hilfiger, they were the last pair and in my size.  For all those folks who believe in serendipity, THIS was totally meant to be!

Apart from wearing them with jeans, I love wearing them with little dressers, puts a real feminine edge on them!

So whatever you are up to today, hope you stay dry, and keep that smile on your dial!

page taken from "Happiness is a warm puppy" by Charles Schulz